Sessions /
Online Classes: Surviving and Thriving in 2021
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, online teaching has moved from a position of tenuous acceptance and application into standard practice across the world. From parents to students to educators, everyone has undoubtedly struggled with this shift. In this panel, members of the Multimedia and CALL Special Interest Group (MCALL-SIG) as well as two invited speakers will review positive and negative experiences with online teaching; discuss the challenges of converting standardized offline classes to online classes; explore strategies to adapt offline teaching practices to online classes; and share insights into what it takes to succeed in education today.
The panel will also be prepared to engage with audience members on specific questions related to online education, using technology in their classes, and solutions and resources to assist educators with tech-related issues in their respective classrooms. Attendees will leave with a renewed perspective on online teaching as well as practical solutions to the challenges of teaching offline courses in an online setting.
Presentation Assets
Session Poster

Surviving and Thriving: Henneberry
Download PDF: Surviving and Thriving: Henneberry