Join us for the 28th Korea TESOL International Conference!
February 19-28, 2021
100% Online

You can get a quick overview by looking at the At-a-Glance Schedules. We also encourage you to 💌 sessions so you can find them quickly later. 

Tickets*: 75,000 KRW / 7500 JPY / 75 USD

If you didn't get a ticket on the KOTESOL website, you can get a ticket here at instead.

Q: Do I have a ticket?
A: Can you see the "Live" button? If you can't see the live schedule, you don't have a ticket.
Another way to check: Hover over the "user" icon in the upper-right corner, then select "Tickets." 
The site will tell you whether you have a ticket or not.
* If you already registered and paid through the KOTESOL website, you don't have to order a ticket here! We will manually issue a ticket to you after you join this event space.

** By continuing to this virtual event, you agree to abide by the
KOTESOL Code of Conduct as a participant and, if a presenter, ALSO to follow the KOTESOL Ethical Standards for Research and Publication. Additionally, please note that many of these sessions will be recorded and shared (in a limited way at first, then publicly several months hence) on the Korea TESOL YouTube Channel. If you participate in a Zoom room with your webcam on, your face might appear in the subsequent video; if you prefer not to have your face shown in the video recording, please feel free to turn off your webcam.