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Creativity in English Education: What the Recent Research Tells Us #1053

Sat, Feb 27, 10:30-10:55 JST | YouTube
You must log in to view sessions Creativity Asynchronous-Video Research Paper (25 mins)

Creativity has been receiving a lot of attention in the field of English language education. Recent academic research has attempted to answer questions such as these: What does creativity mean for English teachers and students? Can creativity be fostered? How can English teachers encourage their students to be creative while learning English? Does encouraging students to be creative help them to improve their English? This presentation will draw on the recent body of research to offer answers to all of these questions for teachers working with students of all ages. The basis for this presentation is a meta-analysis of over forty purposefully sampled research papers conducted on creativity in English classrooms in the past few years. The presenters will highlight trends in this research and draw out practical implications and recommendations for English teachers who hope to encourage their own students to practice English creatively.