Sessions / Room DRJ

Factors That Affect Reconstructing Lexical Meaning in Listening Comprehension #1001

Sat, Feb 20, 10:30-10:55 JST | Room DRJ

This research examines factors that affect reconstructing lexical meaning in listening comprehension. There is not much research examining affective factors in reconstructing vocabulary meaning in listening comprehension for EFL learners. Therefore, this study aims to find out some factors that affect language learners' word decoding to understand the overall meaning of a listening passage. A mixed-methods approach was used to investigate the elements in both quantitative and qualitative ways. To find out affective factors and apply the findings for better teaching listening directions, this study deals with 3 research questions: 1) What effect did a variety of listening passage variables have on the number of words that participants were able to identify? 2) Did the number and type of words identified have an effect on general understanding? 3) What were the participants' perceptions of the variables in each listening activity?

Increasing Authenticity and Motivation in an EFL Oral Presentation Class #1091

Sun, Feb 21, 10:30-10:55 JST | Room DRJ

This study explored the benefits of language authenticity between non-native speakers and native speakers through computer-mediated communication. The concept of authenticity is to expose learners to “real English with intrinsically communicative quality” (Lee, 1995, p. 324). This study included twenty-three EFL college students who presented in English to native speakers of English and bilingual speakers with a near native-speaking English proficiency for six weeks. Data were collected from the synchronous interaction recordings, reflective essays, and oral evaluation rubrics. Content analysis was adopted to analyze body language, pronunciation, content, fluency, grammar, structure, linking language, and interaction with the audience. The results showed that the authentic interaction for participants was positive on the following language learning factors: motivation, preparation, willingness to communicate, language anxiety, vocabulary, and intercultural understanding. The study has implications for creating more authentic language learning and development through computer-mediated communication.