Dr. Suki Jones Mozenter

University of Minnesota Duluth

Dr. Mozenter is an Assistant Professor of Reading/Literacies at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She holds a Ph.D. in Language, Literacies, and English Education with a minor in Sociolinguistics from Stanford University. Her research interests focus on how children come to see themselves as readers and writers, and how race, class, and language impact these literate identities.


Decolonization, Linguistic Bias, Language Hierarchies, and TESOL

Sun, Feb 28, 09:30-09:55 JST

English has been and continues to be a mechanism for colonization and oppression. How, then, can English teachers engage in socially just or decolonizing practices? How can we use TESOL as a mechanism for disrupting rather than perpetuating biases based on language, race/ethnicity, and national origin? In this presentation, we will examine the implications of English's dominance and consider resistance as teaching and learning practice.

Reframing Language Class: Student Perceptions, Engagement, and Outcomes

Sat, Feb 27, 13:00-13:25 JST

This presentation reports on how a reframing of a language class was correlated with increased student engagement and improved language proficiency outcomes. The study was conducted with primary school learners of English as a second language, but we will discuss implications for TESOL at multiple levels. Also, we will collaboratively create ways to leverage reframing in our own teaching and learning contexts.