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The MALQ from a Participant’s Perspective #1106

Fri, Feb 19, 11:45-Mon, Mar 1, 12:00 JST | Poster Presentation Padlet
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This study explored how vocabulary may affect responses from second language (L2) English users who completed Vandergrift’s Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ). Six participants (N=6, low-intermediate to advanced L2 English learners) from varied educational and professional backgrounds were recruited for this study. Participants were instructed to complete the MALQ and use textual enhancements to indicate the degree of familiarity with new or infrequently-viewed words and phrases. Participants were also instructed to write notes regarding any unknown vocabulary expressions. After collecting the participants’ data, the researcher engaged in individual confirmation checks. The researcher entered the statements presented on the MALQ into the Compleat Lexical Tutor to determine word families. The results indicated that multi-word expressions and vocabulary from the 3000-word family range and higher influenced responses. Furthermore, this study reinforced the necessity of teaching secondary and tertiary word meanings, teaching vocabulary as multi-word units, and simplifying the language used on surveys.