Sessions /
The Burnout Workshop: Strategies to Help Heal the Burn
Burnout is a common experience among many EFL instructors, but it is relatively unknown how to ease, prevent, or eliminate burnout. The objective of this workshop is to provide a variety of strategies that teachers can use to alleviate their feelings of burnout. These strategies have been collected from scholars such as Christina Maslach, Michael Leiter, Richard Davidson, and Tammy Gregersen, in addition to the valuable knowledge and experiences shared by real teachers in their own published works. Strategies collected are broken down into five categories, including authentic self-care, self-awareness and improvement, relationships, technology, and books. Participants will engage in four different interactions. Each interaction will provide an opportunity for participants to think about the practical application of these strategies at home and in the workplace using the provided workbook. The workshop will conclude with a reflective activity in which each teacher will create their own burnout recovery plan.
Presentation Assets
The Burnout Website
If you are looking for help with your burnout, check out this website to get started on your road to recovery.