Caterina Skiniotou

Curriculum design - Education Specialist

Since 1981, I have served the field of Education as a teacher, teacher educator, curriculum designer and developer, materials developer, teacher education program director and Foundation program director. My interests include technology-assisted learning and teaching, innovation in instructional design, content-based language instruction, English-Medium instruction (EMI) and lifelong learning.


Sustainable Extensive Reading Programs: Approach, Strategies, Resources, Techniques

Sun, Feb 28, 16:30-17:50 JST

The aim of this workshop is to support participants in setting up and implementing extensive reading (ER) components in the courses they teach. Extensive reading, defined as reading for overall meaning, information, pleasure, and enjoyment, has been proven by research to enhance reading speed and fluency, writing skills, and overall language knowledge. Research findings also indicate that although ESL and EFL teachers may have positive views on the effectiveness of ER and may be motivated to implement an ER component in the classes they teach, they may be reluctant to do so. Workshop participants will initially contribute their experiences of implementing ER in their context. Subsequently, they will be presented with an ER approach utilizing free resources available online, including implementation examples of the approach and strategies and techniques to link an ER component with the intended learning outcomes of various foreign language programs. The workshop will end with group work on the topic.