Yuning Liu


Using Multiple Online Resources for Meaningful ELL Lesson Preparation

Sat, Feb 27, 09:30-10:10 JST

Lesson preparations for English language learners (ELLs) are different from other general students. ELLs have their own diverse characteristics, such as their educational backgrounds and first language knowledge, as well as assets, and these factors needed to be included in lesson planning. For this presentation, the presenter will first talk about factors that should be considered for lesson preparation. Strategies and supplementary materials that will make a lesson clearer and more interesting will also be presented, such as hands-on manipulatives and realia. Multiple online resources for lesson preparation will be shared during the presentation, such as PBS, News in Levels, Books that Grow, and other websites as well as video channels. The presenter will also share ideas on how to use these materials in a more applicable way. After this presentation, the audience may have a clear idea about what to use and how to use it in ELL lesson preparation.